Monday, November 9, 2015

New Experiences

They come once in a while,
whether you look for them, or they found you.
Right when you least expect it.

Then, it only depends on you  to take it or not.
But if you don't you could end up with the thought "what if?"
Don't get me wrong, sometimes we're not ready and that's okay
the time will come.

When a new experience starts,
you don't know what to do, how to feel, what to say
you can only go with the flow, Enjoy it.

Live with no regrets
bad and good decisions makes you YOU
Life will never give you something you can't handle 

Be Brave,  Be Strong, 
Take a leap of faith
Learn and become the better self you're supposed to be.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Vivir lejos de casa

Tengo 2 años de vivir lejos de casa, en otro país, sola, lejos de mi familia. No sabia que esperar, no sabía que iba a suceder.

Me considero una persona familiar, me gusta pasar tiempo con mi familia, ir a paseos o estar todos en un mismo cuarto viendo una película o solo platicando. A pesar de eso no tengo ningún problema viajando a lugares muy lejos por mucho tiempo. Puedo pasar días sin necesitar hablar con ellos. Son mi familia, sé que siempre van a estar ahí.

Ajustarme a mi nueva vida no fue difícil ni tampoco fácil. Vivir sola es muy diferente que vivir en una familia de 6. Almuerzos en familia pasaron a sola en la mesa y luego en almuerzos en la cama viendo netflix. Explorar poco a poco la ciudad, hasta no hace mucho puedo decir oficialmente que no me pierdo. Me tomó mucho tiempo encontrar verdaderos amigos. Nunca me estrese por convivir conmigo misma, claro cada vez que tenia vacaciones volvía a casa o un evento importante también regresaba, pero no tenia esa necesidad intensa de regresar... estoy bien, un 98% de las veces.

Existen días difíciles, días que exploto y me pongo a llorar. Dejar todo para irme a mi hogar donde están mis padres, donde me siento segura. Momentos en que no me importa nada y solo quiero irme porque no soporto estar sola. no tengo con quien hablar, alguien que me abrace. Días que simplemente no me siento feliz con mi vida a pesar de todo lo bueno que me esta pasando.

Así que solo queda llorar, y sacar todas esas emociones del pecho. Esperar que pase la noche, esperar un mejor día porque hoy lloré pero mañana reiré. Está bien sentirse mal, está bien querer volver a casa con la familia, es el lugar donde nos sentimos amados sin importar que.

Respiro profundo, cierro los ojos y cuento hasta 10...

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Of course He's not texting back

This weekend I made out with a guy that I really really like.

I actually met him the same day, but still I really really like this guy.

I don't really make out with every guy I meet. So maybe that's why it felt so good, I couldn't leave him, it was just him and I. dancing, kissing...

Got his number, but he just replay once, but I still hope he does.
I'm not writing again, don't wanna look desperate.

He's a guy, they don't care, they don't wanna talk  to you. They just want to make out with you and then tell their friends feeling like champs.

Love hasn't knock my door in a long time (years), that's why I get so excited. My heart just wants to pop out!
Be realistic, you'll never see him again, in a week I'll be over him....
Hope he writes back <3

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Empty and Full

I have this feeling on my chest,
can't explained well,
my heart is going to explode,
I can't get it out.

It's driving me crazy

It comes to me at night,
alone in bed.

Something is missing,
I don't know what

I do,

All this love in my heart,
and no one to share it with. 

I need to cry,
a tear drop with a love reflection on my face.
I need to Feel.

 I'm empty and full of love at the same time.
Can't feel it,
can't show it,
can't handle it anymore

Monday, February 2, 2015

Future Husband


Hi you,

How was the wedding? How was when we met? Did you though we were ever going to be husband and wife?

I think you will be a funny guy, you always makes me laugh. I think you will be smart and adventurous and we will travel everywhere -hopefully /:
I think you will be a family guy. I hope we have a big family -and dogs!- I hope we are close with your family and mine.
I hope you love my food, I mean you do love my food. I'm a chef, remember?
This is weird, but I hope we can have good discussion. Those that make the relationship grow.

I love when you hug me and don't let me go; I love when you kiss my head. I love that sometimes I can't get mad at you. I love the little things you do for me. I know that we are our own best selves with each other. Cause when I'm with you I'm me and nobody else.
You have no idea how happy you make me. I'm the happiest person, cause I have you.
I hope you love me, even when you hate me; cause I will.  I know everything it's not going to be wonderful but that's how life is.

Please don't laugh at me if you ever read this, I'll be probably hiding in the bathroom.

-Your 19 years old wife.